Instructional Guide


What should learners know before using Rock ’N Learn Phonics worksheets 1-40?

Learners should be able to recognize upper and lower case letters. If necessary, the left-to-right direction used for reading can be taught by assisting learners during the first few sessions.


Learners should show proficiency with each skill before moving on to the next skill.


What else can I do to help my children learn to read while using these worksheets?

Use the following activities to encourage your children to learn to read and become interested in books:

1. Talk frequently to your children, and listen to them as well. Good talkers make good readers. Ask your children to talk about things they do or see.

2. Read to your children. When you read books to them, they learn that reading is fun. When you read signs or recipes to them they learn that reading is useful.

3. Let your children see you reading. Keep books, magazines, and newspapers in your home. If your children see you reading for pleasure, they might want to do the same.

4. Play word games with your children, such as:

“Starts Like”

You say, “Tell me words that begin with the same sound as boy.” At first, you might want to give hints such as: “She cries for her diaper to be changed.” (baby)

“Cut and Paste”

Your children can take old magazines and cut out pictures of things that start with the same sound. For example: a flower, a foot, and a frog. This activity is great for rainy days!


What should learners know before using Rock ’N Learn Phonics worksheets 41-81?

Learners should be familiar with short vowel sounds, beginning and ending consonants, blends, digraphs, and long vowel sounds made by silent e. Rock ’N Learn Phonics worksheets 1-40 are ideal for reinforcing these concepts.


What else can I do to help my child learn to read while using worksheets 41-81?

You can assist your child’s learning in various ways. Help your child locate interesting reading material at an appropriate vocabulary level. Ask a librarian for suggestions. Then encourage your child to read to you.

If your child is just beginning to read, it’s okay to help with words that seem difficult. Later you can encourage your child to figure out challenging words.  Encourage your child to sound out difficult words using phonics skills. You may also point out how to discover the word by looking at the picture on the page. Or, skip the word and read the rest of the sentence to determine the word from the context of the sentence.

Be patient. Your child might miss the same word several times, even though you keep supplying it. This is not unusual, and sooner or later your children will learn the word. If you find that you or your child are becoming frustrated, stop and do something else. A child who is scared, upset, or under pressure is less likely to learn than one who is calm.


Here are links to printable word lists in PDF format:

Volume 1 word list covers skills on worksheets1-40

Rock ’N Learn Phonics Volume 1 word list - page 1

Rock ’N Learn Phonics Volume 1 word list - page 2


Volume 2 word list covers skills on worksheets 41-81

Rock ’N Learn Phonics Volume 2 word list - page 1

Rock ’N Learn Phonics Volume 2 word list - page 2


You will need Adobe Acrobat reader, which many computers already have. If you do not have Acrobat, you may download it free by clicking the link below:


Children should be able to recognize and read the words on these lists after completing the Rock ’N Learn Phonics worksheets. Try using these words to create sentences for your child to practice reading. To give practice with spelling, have your child write down words that you randomly dictate from the list. Eventually, assist your child in writing complete sentences.

Encourage your children. Praise them for every success, even a small one.

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